Going Back
It’s remarkable how our small world became even smaller, more connected, in just a matter of days. An illness that seemed a world away was suddenly at our doors. They call this pandemic a once in a lifetime event. These are odd and truly unbelievable times.
If only we could click our heels and find it was only a dream, and return to the home and work that we once knew. We are truly saddened by the sheer number of lives lost, and families affected with shortened resources, food and in many cases jobs lost. It’s humbling.
One day in the very near future, things will seem brighter. Innovators will have been given a moment of stillness and the space to create. Small business will flourish with brilliant new ideas. Memories of these times will be blessed with small moments, and the true definition of togetherness. Kindness, love, friends and family, our neighbors, our children. Our time in this moment will be reflected by being truly present and sharing with each other, and finding joy and laughter. These are the things that matter most and lift our spirits.
Together we will rise from the ashes, and emerge stronger, wiser, and kinder. Together we will go back to work, go back to play, and go back to school. We will do this as partners and friends, helping one another along the way, finding renewed hope and inspiration. So… as you emerge into these new norms, we cherish the opportunity to do it with you, with strength as your partners and friends.